‘Exciters’, 2023. Cymbals, Silk Cords, Audio Cables, Audio Exciter, Amplifier, Sound
‘Sacred Femme’, 2022. Patina and Gold Leaf, Beach Wood, Chain, Copper Rings, Nails
‘Daisy’, 2022. Unfiltered Norfolk Beeswax, Glass Tube, Cotton Thread
Pure Dog, from Mispronunciations Series
Pure Dog
I’ve mistaken this heart for a dog
Everyday I've been asking for
a pure dog
a clear dog
a crystal dog
I sit and I wait and I watch
And nothing
Just a dogs wanting
Im trying patient longing
Then something, maybe
Something like a murmur
Or a melting drop landing
Enough to keep going
I’ve tried caressing and caring, tending, sharing
But I’m restless, waiting, clock watching
And I feel this ongoing, this dogged longing
Patience I'm trying
Ongoing, loyal following
Now I’m reaching, grasping and crawling
Downward doging
Arching and aching, this longing for something, keeps calling
These cares and worries and wantings
But nothing moves with the sound of stories, sorries and lorries
As were walking and walking down this narrow path
With dogged longings
Its ongoing
This waiting for the heart and the dog and you God.
قلب- Heart
كلب- Dog